Bunsen the best burger in Dublin
This week I wanted to review something simple and so delicious, a hamburger from Dublin’s best burger joint Bunsen who is 7 years old. Their no-nonsense burgers have been praised and their menus are famously simple and printed on a business card. Since 2013 they have expanded and opened...
The Kathmandu Kitchen offers authentic Nepalese and Indian cuisine
This week I had an easy decision when it came to what deciding what restaurant I would review. Back in early March my old college friend and I had lunch in one of Dublin’s hidden gems, Kathmandu Kitchen. It was going to be my latest restaurant review, but I...
Doolally offers exceptional Indian food.
As I am now only reviewing restaurants that have pivoted into becoming takeaways, it’s getting interesting. What restaurants will I review? What cuisines will I go for? And can I do it on a reasonable budget? This week I decided to review a restaurant that I have eaten in...
Bison Bar & BBQ offers smoking delicious food
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, COVID-19 has put a stop to my restaurant reviews. I also mentioned that I might start reviewing restaurants that do takeaway’s and a lot of restaurants are now offering this. Before I started reviewing, I had to think about how I...
COVID-19 has created havoc in the hospitality industry
Since March of this year, COVID-19 has presented some serious issues for the hospitality industry. Social distancing has become ubiquitous. Mass gatherings are a thing of the past. This new everchanging COVID-19 world has created a strange scenario. Hotels, pubs and restaurants have closed. Some have closed down for...
The Hungry Mexican offers authentic Mexican food in Temple Bar
One of my favourite restaurants in Dublin, The Hungry Mexican is also one of its hidden gems. So earlier this week my old college friend I decided to pay it a visit. I have been going to The Hungry Mexican when it used to be in Bodkins. This was...
BoCo where you can have a pizza and a pint
This week my old college friend and I went to his local restaurant BoCo. A place, where you can have a pizza and a pint. What makes BoCo stand out is the oven they use for cooking. It’s not the typical Italian woodfired oven you would expect to see....
Marrakesh by Mindo one of Dublin’s hidden gems
My old college friend and I were going to an Italian restaurant for our latest Monday lunch when we had a problem. The restaurant was closed and we had to find somewhere else that was nearby. Storm Ciara was brewing up a mini storm and it was getting colder....
Gourmet Food Parlour in Dun Laoghaire is well worth a visit
This week my old college friend and I took the Dart southside. We were having lunch at the Dun Laoghaire branch of the Gourmet Food Parlour. Their other six branches are in Dublin and Salthill Galway. Walking into this modern and vibrant restaurant I noticed the tables were not...
Sprezzatura where no main course costs more than €10
So far my old college friend and I have had three good meals this year, all in diverse restaurants. This week’s restaurant Sprezzatura would prove to be just as interesting and diverse. As Sprezzatura has been getting a lot of coverage online, I felt we should pay it a...